Why Do Girls Wear So Much Jewellery?

feather and heart charm bangle in silver and pink

Jewellery is a really important part of human culture, and women wearing jewellery can be traced all the way back to 100,000 years ago – a necklace was found in a cave in Spain! For many girls, wearing jewellery is about more than just looking good, it’s also a form of self-expression and a way of connecting with social groups.

From beaded necklaces to bangle bracelets and hoop earrings, here’s why girls love wearing so much jewellery. 

Following Fashion Trends

Fashion trends come and go, but layering is the one that’s currently ‘in’. Layering means wearing multiple pieces of jewellery at one time. 

This specifically applies to bracelets and necklaces. Girls will find pieces of different lengths, but usually the same colour (silver or gold). They’ll often choose a bold, statement piece which the other bracelets or necklaces will offset. 

In addition, if a girl is trying to reach a certain style, she might wear more jewellery. For example, if we wants a boho look, then lots of rings might work. 

Their Social Circles Love Jewellery Too

From a young age, girls follow their Mum’s fashion and style, often taking their general idea of style from her. If a girl’s family is really into jewellery and wears a lot, then it’s likely that she will too.

In the same way, if a girl is in a social circle which puts a lot of emphasis on jewellery, then it’s likely that she’ll become more interested in it too. 

It Makes Them Feel Pretty

What better reason to do something than it makes you feel good about yourself? Lots of girls will enjoy wearing lots of jewellery because it makes them feel pretty. 

Girls who find that jewellery makes them feel pretty are likely to have a few ear piercings and love to adorn them with hoops and studs. For these girls, earrings are a wonderful gift for their birthday or Christmas.

They Love Fashion And Accessorising Every Day

Accessorising for many girls is a really fun activity. They enjoy matching jewellery with their outfit and with other pieces of jewellery. Girls will especially go to lots of effort for a party with friends, ensuring that their entire outfit looks great. 

They Like Pushing The Rules!

Some girls wear lots of jewellery where they’re not meant to, like to school. This is simply because they like pushing the boundaries a little, and jewellery is an easy, non-harmful way to do that. Why shouldn’t she be allowed to sparkle every day?

The Jewellery Is Meaningful To Them

There are many girls with keepsake jewellery from their family which they love to wear every day. This could be a locket necklace, a special bracelet or ring. They might wear this every day and then layer other pieces of jewellery on top of it. 


There are lots of reasons why girls might wear a lot of jewellery. This is why jewellery is the perfect present for girls of any age. Our collection is handpicked for girls and we try and approve it so you can shop with confidence. 

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